How to Optimize Keywords and Drive More SEO Traffic?

How to Optimize Keywords and Drive More SEO Traffic?

Many bloggers use Keyword Analyzer to check the density of the keywords in their blog posts. The density of the keyword means that how frequently a popular keyword is used in the article. The problem lies where your blog has a low Google page rank, thus it fails to achieve the highest spots in the search engine results.

To over come this issue, you could use the following technique where  you would use multiple keyword in your blog posts to get a better search engine ranking.

So here I will give a trick which I have given a name KEYWORD DOUBLING. I try to teach how to use two keywords of the same meanings together. It will help you to drive traffic from both POPULAR and UNPOPULAR keywords. For Example, the USA and America have the same meanings but they have different impacts on the Search Engine. See the following Lines:

1. The President of America Barack Obama Says:
2. The President of USA Barack Obama Says:

If you use the first line in your post and someone's search PRESIDENT OF USA than your post will be neglected because the USA is not in your sentence.

If you use the second line in your post and someone's search for PRESIDENT OF AMERICA, then also your post will be neglected because AMERICA is not in your sentence.

Now read this line:

The President of America ( USA ) Barack Obama says:

If you will use this line in your post than when someone searches for PRESIDENT OF USA or PRESIDENT OF AMERICA, in both cases your blog will be shown in SERP (search engine results page). Your traffic will be boosted considerably.

Drive More Traffic From Search Engines - SEO Keywords Trick

This trick is very effective with dates. If someone is running a Sport Blog and have to give the details of the upcoming matches, than you may be write like this :

Pakistan VS England - 2nd ODI on 12-2-2011

If i write it like this :

Pakistan Vs England
Second (2nd) ODI
Date: 12th February, 2011 ( 12-2-2011 )
Day: Saturday

Could you feel the difference? This is a keyword rich post that includes targeted phrases. Each angle looks perfect.

This will help you a lot in search impact of your blog because some people will search PAKISTAN VS ENGLAND on 12-2-2011 and some will search PAKISTAN VS ENGLAND on 12th February or someone can search for Pakistan 2nd ODI. These all Keywords are available in your post so 95% chance is there that your blog will be shown first.

Page rank is not important. You can have thousands of Visitors daily with Page Rank 0. All you need is to have a good common sense. You should write in a manner that attracts people. Thats what they say, "Write for people and not for search engines".

Note: Use this trick KEYWORDS DOUBLING very carefully. See the below line:

Pakistan VS England Second ( 2nd ) ODI on 12th February, 2011 ( 12-2-2011) on Saturday

It looks awkward and it will irritate your readers. So use this trick with the important keyword, not with every double meaning keyword 

Hope you Understand 

NOTE: Do not use this trick in The Title of Your Post because your Title should be 66 characters. So use strong and main keyword for your Post Title. This trick is for Post Body.

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About the Author: My Name is Haider Afridi. I love Blogging but due to lack of knowledge in any particular Topic, I thought to start a Fan Club on a Celebrity whom i Love the most. The Salman Khan Fan Club. You can contact me on Facebook
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