12 Sure-Fire Ways to Get More Instagram Likes

12 Sure-Fire Ways to Get More Instagram Likes

Have you been struggling to grow a following on Instagram? You see others all around you finding success and you're stuck wondering what you're doing wrong or what you can be doing differently. What is it that influences Instagram users to like a post and follow someone's page?

How can your Instagram account get a larger reach? Why aren't your posts getting many likes even though you have a good amount of followers? How can you get more Instagram likes?

If you're asking yourself these questions, then know you're not alone. Many people find themselves wondering why their posts aren't getting as much engagement as they'd like. We're here to provide you with the answers you seek.

To learn how to get more Instagram likes and improve your social media marketing, continue reading below. Here's everything you need to know about social media likes!

1. Start With a Target Audience

The very first thing you must do is determine your target audience. If you don't know who your target audience is, then it'll be difficult to reach them and provide them with the content they want to see. To determine your target audience, think about the type of content you're posting. 

Sit down and analyze who your target audience might be, depending on what you post. For example, learn the gender, age, and location of the people who interact with your account the most. Instagram also has marketing tools you can use that'll tell you this information, as well as the days and times they're most active. 

Take advantage of these features and use them wisely.

2. Create a Brand/Identity For Yourself

Now it's time to create a brand/identity for yourself. In any type of marketing, it's important to establish a brand/identity. This is going to be more than the type of content you deliver. 

It's also going to be who you are and the type of energy you give to your followers. Your followers will begin to expect a certain type of voice from you throughout your entire Instagram account. For example, if you want to create a traveling blog on your Instagram, then also consider what type of voice you want to portray. 

Will you post funny things you find throughout your travels? Will your content be focused on traveling with your dog? What do you want to get across to your followers about yourself and your content? 

Answer these questions when creating or re-establishing your account. 

3. Post High-Quality Content

Next, you need to make sure you're posting high-quality content on your account. If your photos are blurry or not good quality, then it's less likely to gain a lot of likes. When you post clear photos of things your followers expect to see from you, you'll witness your likes going up.

Not only do your photos need to look good, but they also need to provide some type of value to your followers. If you post something that's of little to no value or interest in the eyes of your followers, then there's a chance it won't receive many likes or engagement. 

Know what your target audience wants to see, and then post quality photos of that with a great caption. 

4. Post on a Consistent Basis

It's also important to post on a consistent basis. If you don't post often, then your account will lose traffic. To gain and maintain traffic, you should post at least three times a week. 

You can even post once a day if able to. You don't want to post more than once a day as this might seem like spam to some followers, but anything between once a day and a few times a week is ideal. If possible, create a schedule for yourself. 

Set it up so that you're posting on the same days at the same time each week. This type of consistency lets your followers know when to expect a new post from you.

5. Take Advantage of Instagram Stories

Instagram has many great features to help you reach your audience and if you're not using all of them, then you're selling yourself short. Take advantage of all the features Instagram has to offer, including posting stories. Stories are short videos or photos that'll appear at the top of the app and disappear after 24 hours. 

If you post something on your story that's high-quality and encourages your followers to engage with it, then you'll see an increase in story views and likes on your account. Remember who your target audience is and what they want to see before posting on your story.

Stay consistent with the type of content you post and how often you do so. Posting on your story every day is ideal. 

6. Use Hashtags the Right Way

Hashtags are a wonderful stepping stone to finding more likes and followers. Although hashtags are a great way to get more reach on your posts, it's essential to use them the right way. If you use them incorrectly, then this could actually have the opposite effect you're looking for. 

What's the right and wrong way to use hashtags? 

When using hashtags, they need to relate to your post. They should correspond with the content, the caption, the location, and so on. If you use a hashtag that doesn't relate to what you're actually posting, then it could cause your post to receive less interaction than what you were hoping for. 

7. Tag Your Location 

When you're posting photos of beautiful locations, interesting destinations, and cool places, it's best to tag the location. Again, this only helps your post receive more likes if you're tagging the actual location of the photo. Instagram users can search for different locations and then view all public posts tagged with that location.

For this reason, posts with location tags might bring in more traffic to your page. Do always keep safety in mind, however. It's best to wait until you're no longer at that location to then tag yourself there. 

8. Engage With Your Followers

You want your followers to engage with you but you're not engaging with them. If you refuse to engage with your followers, then you could be hurting your likes, saves, shares, and follows. Now is the time to start interacting with your followers.

Ask questions in your captions and on your stories. Answer them back when they comment or respond to you. All of these things help drive more awareness and traffic to your account, which in return brings more likes. 

9. Install a Like4Like Extension

There are many programs/apps out there that help you receive more Instagram likes. You can even add a chrome extension for Like4Like. This program gives you real Instagram likes without having to provide your password.

You simply download the extension and bring more traffic to your page without having to pay for it. 

10. Ask Followers What They Want to See

If you're ever unsure of what to post on your account, then don't hesitate to simply ask. You can ask your followers what they want to see more of on your page. If this means you need to make a shift in your content, then do so.

Who better to ask what to post other than your followers? You can ask in a caption or on a story you post and then wait to see what answers you get. 

11. Switch to a Public Account

Switching to a public account is an essential step in gaining more likes and followers. If you don't already have a public account, then the time to switch over to one is now. Once you switch to a public account, you'll then have access to all of Instagram's many features that only public accounts can use.

These features are necessary for understanding your target audience and being seen by millions of accounts. If your account is private, then you can't be found on the explore page. Your followers also won't be able to share your account or posts with their friends.

All of this prevents you from getting the reach and amount of likes you want, so consider the pros and cons and then decide if switching to a public account is the right move for you. 

12. Pay Close Attention to Your Insights

With a public account comes Instagram Insights. You'll find your insights by going to your page and then clicking on "Insights" under "Edit Profile." Your insights give you important information, such as how many accounts you've reached, what posts received the most traffic/engagement, demographics about your followers, and more. 

Pay close attention to these insights and use them to make adjustments where necessary.

You Can Get More Instagram Likes Today

Stop letting your lack of Instagram likes bring you down. You can get more Instagram likes today by following all of the helpful tips and advice listed here in this guide. Be sure to follow the guide step by step to get the best results. 

For more helpful posts similar to this one, be sure to visit here on a regular basis.