The Top 3 Food Storage Techniques You Should Know About In Australia

The Top 3 Food Storage Techniques You Should Know About In Australia

To be able to enjoy your food, you need to know that it has been stored at the right temperature and you would be surprised at the number of food poisoning incidents that happen all across Australia every single day.

Restaurants already know that certain food products need to be hot or cold at any given time and others might need to be frozen. Temperatures need to be monitored in a restaurant environment and food preparation practices are incredibly important as well. It really does depend on the type of food that you are talking about here but things like raw meat need to be cooked properly as does chicken and any other kind of poultry.

You definitely need to invest in a brass monkey fridge freezer that will allow you to keep all of your foodstuffs at the correct temperatures throughout the day and night. The food that you put in there and in other places as well needs to be stored properly and so the following are just some of the top food storage techniques that everyone in Australia should really know about.

  • Refrigerate or freeze - You need to do one of these two things if you are dealing with food that is known as perishable. Meat, seafoods and other food products should definitely not be left to sit at room temperature or on your kitchen island for any longer than a couple of hours. They all need to be put into a refrigerator as soon as possible because you don’t want them to enter what is known as the danger zone for food.
  • Carry out regular checks - This rule applies to both home and business environments and from a business point of view, you should be encouraging the people who work in your kitchen to always check that the fridge and the freezer are operating at the correct temperatures. To give you a guideline, the fridge should be at around 40°F and your freezer needs to be at 0°F. To give you peace of mind, it might be a good idea to invest in a quality thermometer so that you can know the right temperature.
  • Always read the labels - There is a reason why the label is put onto any food item and if you take the time to read it, you will find that the manufacturer may have special instructions with regard to storage that you need to follow to stop your food from going bad. In your home, if you are storing leftover food or other food items then it makes perfect sense that you would want to put a label on them so that they can be easily identified later.

All food is different, so make sure that each individual food item has its own correct temperature and if this means separating it from the others to ensure proper storage then that is what you need to do. This is your health we are talking about.